The Use Of Water In Home Decor

People the world over have a natural attraction to water, and it is not only because drinking water is essential to our survival; nor because it is very important for cleanliness. Water has a fascination that causes millions of people to visit, or want to live by, the sea, waterfalls, lakes and large ponds.

Both moving and still water are not just attractive to the human eye, but seem to have a therapeutic value. Moving water in particular is said to give off negative ions, which help to negate all the positive ions generated by modern living and can be harmful to our well being. Whatever the reasons, though, the fact is that people love water in nature. Closer to home, they like to bring those effects into their own gardens with water gardens, waterfalls, ponds and fountains.

What about within the home itself? Many of us bring nature and gardens into our home with plants, and decorative plant pots. It is therefore only one small step to bring in water features too. Water can, and does, play a very useful role in home decor; not on the grand scale in the average home, although it can do in a country mansion or more palatial home, but in miniature and in imaginative and decorative ways.

There are three main ways to use water features as home decor:

Indoor Waterfalls

By having an indoor waterfall in the home, you can bring to your home the sound of running water, 셀프새집증후군 which has such a relaxing effect. However, an indoor waterfall can do far more for your home. There are so many varied designs 새집증후군제거방법 now, using quite a variety of materials, that you should be able to find a feature waterfall for the home that suits your decor, whether modern, traditional, or olde worlde.

There are basically two types of indoor waterfall: wall hanging, and free (or floor) standing. So, as far as the placing of the waterfalls is concerned, you have plenty of choice to fit in with your interior design. They come in many sizes, too, from very small right up to a very grand size of 6 feet plus in height and width. For the larger wall hanging waterfalls, you do need a substantially built wall on which to fix them. However, they can and do look very impressive; and the larger the size, the more potential you have for the sounds of flowing water.

The materials and finishes used can be chosen to fit in with either a modern or more traditional decor. Some of the most popular frames are stainless steel and copper, with a range of finishes to give either a shiny modern look, or an antique look with an aged finish. As in natural waterfalls, natural stone is often a feature of the indoor equivalent, as are pebbles. Slate, in many colours, is especially effective in indoor waterfalls.

Indoor Fountains

Indoor fountains are much like the waterfalls in terms of materials used. In fact, the names waterfall 새집냄새제거 and fountain are often interchangeable when it comes to home decor. However, what 새집증후군제거 you probably imagine as a water fountain can be found, and are often available in table top size. These can be very small, but still a delightful use of flowing water in the home, whether used on a table as a centrepiece, or as an ornamental feature on a sideboard.

Designs of the table top fountains can be quite delicate, and utilize decorative materials, such as jade and bamboo, in some unique ways. These table top fountains can go well in even a small modern home.

Fish Aquarium

While many people keep an aquarium because they like fish, and do so as a hobby, there is also a lot of potential to use an aquarium as a home decor feature. The sound of the water comes from the bubbling of the filter, while much additional movement and colour comes from the fish themselves. When you add some attractive lighting to the tank, you can create a very soothing water feature for the home.

As with fountains and waterfalls, an aquarium can be in a very wide range of sizes, free standing or built into a wall. The maintenance, of course, is much higher than for that of a waterfall or fountain, but you may well consider that worthwhile for all the pleasure the fish may bring.

If you have space, there is no reason why you should not combine all three of these types of water features. They are all attractive in their own way, and can complement each other in a larger home.

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